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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 676

Coleman was only treating her like this because of what Bonnie said about her in the past.

‘Damn that bitch! I’m going to mess her up real good this time!’

Selina turned around and looked at the painting in front of her. The hesitation in her eyes had been replaced by a newfound resolution.

‘Oh, Bonnie. Let’s see if Lady Luck will look after you and get you out of the mess this time!’

Meanwhile, Bonnie had just returned after her phone call. She found a bunch of people huddled around the painting she was supposed to guard.

She had just approached the crowd when one of them let out an ear-piercing scream.

“Look, guys. That’s her. That’s the lady in charge of Master Kieran’s painting!”

Everyone turned to look at her.

Bonnie looked at the wall, only to find that Master Kieran’s painting was nowhere to be seen. There was only an empty space where it had been.

‘Did someone steal the painting while I was away?’

She was in the middle of her thoughts when a slightly younger professor walked over and looked at her sternly.

“What the heck is wrong with you, lady? You know you’re supposed to guard this important painting. So why did you leave without informing anyone? Now, someone has stolen the painting. How are you going to bear the responsibility now?”


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