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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 686

She clenched her fists as she thought, ‘Ivor’s here. I can’t let him see me this pessimistic. I have to shove these bleak feelings down!’

Eloise took several deep breaths. In a matter of five seconds, she pulled herself together and became calm.

Once she had composed herself, she called out to him in a sweet voice. “Over here, Ivor.”

He heard her voice and looked at her. Then, he walked briskly over.

Sitting across the table, he cut straight to the chase. “Out with it. How much will it be for you to part with the painting?”

His voice was both cold and sharp.

Gritting her teeth, she stared at him. “Don’t you think it’s a little hurtful for us to be talking about money, Ivor? I know you need the painting now. All you have to do is tell me you want it, and I’ll gladly give it to you.”

He wasn’t moved in the least. “So, it’s not about money, huh? Well, then. Why don’t you name your terms?”

She had shoved her bleak feelings down. However, what he said yanked them back to the surface.

“Did it slip your mind that we used to be super close? We could’ve taken our relationships to the next level. So, why are you making things hard for me now?”

He frowned, and a hint of impatience flashed across his eyes. “I have other matters to attend to. I don’t have time for this nonsense. Just out with it. What are your terms?”

His tone was so indifferent that it finally ticked her off. She shot up from her seat.

“Is it because of Bonnie? Are you worried that she’ll get jealous of me? Is that why you’re treating me so coldly?


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