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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 691

The new painting was exactly the same as the original painting on the wall.

Floyd stared at it for a good while before he asked abruptly, “Do you think Ms. Eloise asked her men to send this painting to us, Mr. Ivor?”

Ivor was inspecting the painting’s style as well as the signature at the corner. Everything checked out.

From the looks of it, this was indeed Master Kieran’s work.

However, he continued to stare at it. Being the perceptive guy that he was, he discovered some anomalies with the painting.

“The stripes on the tabby cat in this painting are a little different from the one Eloise purchased. Moreover, there aren’t any signs of age in this one. I believe it was made recently.”

Floyd was stunned. Then, something occurred to him, and his eyes widened. “C-Could it be that Master Kieran just made this painting for us?”

Ivor pondered it, then shook his head.

“I’ve only ever known Master Kieran from her reputation, but I’ve never interacted with her, nor have I seen her in person. Why would she give me her painting for no good reason?

“Also, rumor has it that she faded into obscurity after she made a name for herself at three years old. She hadn’t appeared before anyone in the world.

“There’s another rumor that she has long passed away. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have vanished without a trace, just as her reputation was at its peak.”

Floyd grumbled, “You said so yourself, Mr. Ivor. It’s just a rumor. As we all know, most of the rumors are unfounded.

“There’s a chance that Master Kieran is still alive and well. It’s just that her passion doesn’t lie in painting. She could’ve dabbled in another career or industry, for all we know.”


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