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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 702

‘I promised Bonnie I wouldn’t tell anyone unless it was an emergency. I can only bear with it,’ Russell thought.

The higher-ups, who were adamant about Bonnie’s expulsion, remained quiet. They did not know how to respond to Russell.

At that moment, Deandre Pearson, who was on the left of the conference table, said, “Mr. Russell, this isn’t the first time Bonnie has done something like this. She has given rise to many scandals, but we’ve disregarded them.

“This time, the subjects of her scandals are too much to ignore. There are even two groups of people, for Heaven’s sake. That’s proof that Bonnie’s character is questionable, at best. Why else would this trouble keep coming after her?

“If I may, Mr. Russell, do you think someone has so much time to make up the whole thing to defame her?”

Deandre was Selina’s uncle. He had held a grudge against Bonnie since she expelled his niece. After finally getting some dirt on Bonnie, he would not let this chance slip through his fingers.

“None of you can tell right from wrong! How foolish!” Russell’s hand began to tremble as he held his cane. He was furious.

However, Deandre continued, “People like Bonnie are beyond redemption, Mr. Russell. You should save your breath and let us expel her as soon as possible. That way, we’ll finally be free of her and her troubles. After all, we’ve received plenty of complaints from the students.”

Russell sighed, trying to suppress his emotions. Even so, he could not bear it. Ultimately, he roared and told them the secret he had kept inside, "I called you foolish, yet you refused to believe me! Would Ms. Bonita have done something so outrageous?! Answer me!”

A pin-drop silence hung over the conference room. Everyone was shocked by Russell’s words. The higher-ups, shareholders, and professors’ eyes widened in surprise.


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