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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 721

“Mr. Shane is here? I wonder why,” Xavier sounded doubtful.

‘Shane’s a crafty old fox. Did he come to trap me? Still, I can’t refuse to see him since he’s already here. Well, there’s always a solution to a problem. First, I need to see what Shane wants. If it’s a trap, I’ll find a way to escape it.’

With that in mind, Xavier composed himself and told his assistant, “Go ahead and bring him in.”

“Right away, Mr. Xavier.” The assistant nodded and left.

Soon after, he brought Shane to Xavier’s office.

Shane began with his usual pleasantries, “Mr. Xavier, it’s been a while. I heard your recent developments have been quite impressive. Do you have any suitable projects to recommend?”

“Don’t joke with me, Shane. Although I’ve closed a few deals, they’re hardly worth mentioning compared to what you’re used to. I hoped to make money with you, but you’ve beaten me to it.

“You’re flattering me too much. Unfortunately, my capabilities don’t warrant such praise,” Xavier reciprocated with equal politeness. He poured some whiskey for Shane as he spoke.

The latter raised his glass and said, “You’re too modest, Xavier. Nonetheless, I came to discuss an important matter with you.”

He gave Xavier’s assistant a meaningful glance. Xavier understood Shane’s intention and told the assistant, “You may leave now.”


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