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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 727

"I don't care. Even if it costs everything, you must find her for me!"

Shane's fists clenched tightly, and his eyes were filled with boundless hatred. He was determined to teach Bonnie and the others a lesson, letting them know how formidable he was.

"Yes, Mr. Shane."

Hamish turned to Bonnie beside him.

"It seems that Shane is planning revenge. Should I send someone to take care of him?"

A sharp glint flashed in his eyes as he spoke, and he made a throat-slitting gesture.

She gave him a disdainful look while twitching the corner of her mouth.

"Are you serious? You're making us seem like some sort of terrorist organization. Can't you be more civilized? We're law-abiding citizens."

Hamish furrowed his brow, obviously unwilling to let Shane off so easily.

"Are we just going to let this villain continue to cause trouble?"

Bonnie shrugged nonchalantly, her tone indifferent and dismissive of Shane.

"Why bother? When the enemy comes, we'll just deal with him. If he dares to come, a slap will do."

Hamish nodded in agreement. With Bonnie's abilities, squashing Shane would be easier than squashing an ant, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Then you handle it. If you need any help, just give me a call."

Bonnie lightly smiled. "Do you even need to say that? I won't be afraid to bother you if there's something."

Hamish smiled. "Haha, I'm afraid you won't be."


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