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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 740

The three entered the living room.

Ivor was reading documents on the sofa. When he turned at the sound, his icy demeanor softened as he laid eyes on Bonnie and became incredibly gentle. "Honey, why are you back so early?"

Before Bonnie could respond, Ivor glanced at Halle and Rowena behind her, and his expression instantly turned cold again. "What are you doing here?"

Halle felt both aggrieved and indignant, witnessing her cousin's swift change in attitude.

‘Why is he so harsh to us? Yet he’s so gentle with Bonnie? It is infuriating! It’s all Bonnie's fault. If it weren't for her, Ivor wouldn't have changed like this.’

Not only was Halle upset, but Rowena was even angrier. Her fists clenched tightly, and her face twisted with suppressed rage.

However, she composed herself in the blink of an eye and approached Ivor calmly. "Ivor, I came to see you for an important matter. It's not appropriate with outsiders around. Shall we discuss it in your study?"

When Rowena referred to outsiders, she meant only Bonnie. The intention was to exclude Bonnie discreetly.

Bonnie saw through Rowena's intentions immediately. ‘Did she think she could undermine me like this? Make me feel embarrassed?’

Well, such naive tactics were laughable to her. However, she was curious about Ivor's response. ‘Will Ivor go to the study with Rowena or...’


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