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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 747

”What?! Another Finley?”

Everyone’s mouths fell open as they looked at Felecia with skeptical eyes.

Felecia's eyes flashed with panic. But she quickly calmed herself down and scolded the executive who rushed in, "Nonsense! I’m the real Finley. The person outside is just a fake. Don't let her cause trouble by letting her in and wasting everyone's time."

The executive turned to Percy and asked, "Mr. Percy, should we kick her out?"

"Don't rush." Percy, accustomed to storms, quickly decided. Standing up from his chair, he strolled to the executive and asked, "Besides claiming to be the real Finley, did she say anything else?"

"She gave me a stack of design drafts besides claiming to be the real Finley. She said these were her usual practice manuscripts and that as soon as you see this stack of manuscripts, you'll know who the real Finley is."

The executive handed the stack of drafts to Percy.

"She's just a scammer! You must not look at her things. Otherwise, you'll fall into her trap." Felecia immediately spoke up to stop Percy.

Although she didn't know if the person outside was the real Finley, she knew better than anyone that she was a fake herself.

‘If the person outside is Finley, I’ll be finished. So, no matter what, I have to stop Percy from looking at that person's things! Because the consequence of being exposed is too terrifying.’

Upon seeing Felecia's anxious expression, Shane narrowed his eyes and asked calmly, "What's the situation? Why are you in such a hurry? Could it be that you’re a fake?"

Felecia's heart skipped a beat. She avoided his gaze, not daring to meet his eyes.


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