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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 756

‘Not only did Ivor not wake Bonnie up for dinner, but he had gone missing. She wondered where he was. It was also so dark outside that she thought the villa had a power outage. Her mind was full of questions but no answers.

Bonnie returned to her room and got her phone to turn on its flashlight before going downstairs.

‘Under normal circumstances, a power outage would be impossible since the villa has its own power supply. It’s probably Ivor’s doing. If he’s being so mysterious, he’s probably planning some grand gesture. Still, I have no idea what he’s doing.’

As she descended the stairs and entered the living room, she heard loud noises around her.

Thud, thud! Thud!

Immediately after, all the lights turned on, and Bonnie could not resist looking around. Before she knew it, she saw a sea of roses from the ceiling to the carpet, with a long table in the middle.

Ivor had set up a candlelight dinner, creating a romantic and picturesque vibe throughout the living room.

Bonnie could not help but grin.

‘I knew there was a reason all the lights were off. Ivor was missing, too. It turns out he was hoping to surprise me.’

As she was thinking, she heard Ivor’s charming voice, “I learned this song just for you, Bonnie. I hope you like it.”

She turned to gaze toward the voice and saw Ivor sitting at a piano. He wore a black tuxedo with a white piano before him. The chandelier shined on him, accentuating his features. Even his every movement brimmed with grace and sophistication.

Bonnie could not help but sigh.


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