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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 759

Floyd watched the couple go upstairs. Then, he told Alfred and the housekeepers to clean up the place.

Floyd recalled how Ivor played the piano for Bonnie and how romantic it was. As the former helped the housekeepers clean up, he could not help but sigh and say, “It must be great to have a soulmate like that. I wonder when my life partner will show up.”

‘I guess I’m doomed to work for someone else forever.’

Alfred glanced at Floyd and teased him, “Are you considering getting a girlfriend? How about I set you up with some blind dates?”

The latter’s eyes gleamed initially. Then, Floyd thought about something and shook his head. “Forget about it. You can’t push these things. I guess I’ll just wait for my turn. I believe my better half and I will find each other someday.”

Alfred smiled and said nothing further.

Bonnie felt sticky all over from the food that spilled on her. She was about to remove her clothes when she saw Ivor standing in her room. He did not look like he was about to leave, either.

Bonnie stopped and said, “I’m about to shower. Aren’t you going to leave?”

Ivor walked closer to her and said, “You’re drunk, right? I’ll help you.”

Bonnie rolled her eyes at him, her expression saying, “I knew it.”

“Hmph, you’re finally showing your cards, Ivor. Did you think you could hide them from me?”

She knew he was up to no good when she saw him taking out the more potent wine earlier. Ivor’s words all but confirmed her suspicions.


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