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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 766

“You’re standing at the Bonita Research Institute’s entrance, Shane. It’s only right that you follow our rules. If you keep stirring up trouble, you might be mistaken as an intruder who’s trying to invade private property and get yourself arrested.”

Her calm tone so pissed off Shane that he gnashed his teeth and glared at her fiercely.

“I’m here for Ms. Bonita. You’re just holding down an insignificant job here. What makes you think you have the right to talk to me?”

Her lips curled into a grin as a hint of mockery flashed in her eyes.

“You got me there. I don’t have any right to be speaking to you. Enjoy waiting here, Shane. I’ll be heading inside now.” With that, she hummed some cheerful tunes and strolled into the research institute before his eyes.

He went through the roof when he saw how leisurely she seemed. Then, he turned his gaze to the security guard, his face red with rage.

“Just you wait and see. I’m going to make you regret for turning me away!”

The security guard shrugged and said, “Whatever floats your boat.”

‘What a joke. I received an order from Ms. Bonita herself. She’s going to back me up. Who does this man think he is? He’s nothing compared to her.’

“Why, you…” Shane’s chest rose and fell rapidly, his face looking as awful as they came.

Archie saw what happened and went over to hold his CEO back immediately. “Don’t work yourself up, Mr. Shane. Come on. Let’s get back to the car for now. We’ll talk about the rest when we’re in there.”

Shane knew pestering the security guard would not get anything done, so he nodded and said, “Okay.”

They got into the car, and Shane leaned back on the chair. He waited until the rage simmering in his chest subsided before he looked at Archie and asked, “Don’t you think the security guard was showing Bonnie a little too much respect earlier?”


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