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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 777

Realizing that Bonnie had diagnosed his condition, Ivor saw no more reason to hide it from her anymore.

“Frankly speaking, I felt feverish the first day I touched down in Everpeak. I took some medicine then. I didn’t think it was too serious, so I ignored it.

“Then, my coughing got worse on the second day, and I haven’t been doing better since then. I was worried that I might make you worry. So, I didn’t tell you about it.”

Then something occurred to him. He asked, “Didn’t you say your research is hitting an important milestone? How do you find the time to visit me, then? Did you put it aside for my sake?”

A hint of guilt flashed in his eyes. ‘I know just how important this experiment is for Bonnie. That was why I didn’t want to tell her about my sickness in the first place.

‘If she really put aside the research just so she could see me, doesn’t that mean she has to postpone her plan?’

“Oh. I guess I hadn’t told you about it,” she said as she pulled out silver needles from her pouch. “I’ve made a major breakthrough in my research. They’re wrapping it up as we speak. I think we’ll be able to develop the augmentation soon.”

His eyes sparkled. It seemed he was happier about it than she was.

“Really? You’ve been at it for so long now. You can finally take a break for a while and stop working so hard.”

“Yeah. You probably should worry more about your health than my research right now.” She flashed the silver needle before him and gestured for him to lie down. “Come on, I’ll administer acupuncture for you.”

He obeyed and lay down. “Alright.”

Floyd saw it and said to Jim, “How about you rest in my room for the time being, Master Jim? I’ll head to the lobby and check for another room for you.”

Jim knew it wasn't a good idea for him and Floyd to stay any longer. So, he stood up slowly and said, “That’d be great. I appreciate it, Floyd.”

Floyd waved his hand and responded, “Nah. It’s no problem. It’s my honor to be able to help you out.”


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