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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 780

Bonnie shook her head. “I want to go out and take a stroll on the plateau. Immerse myself in the local culture, you know? I’ll go with you tomorrow instead.”

“Sure thing. Go ahead and walk around. We’ll take a stroll in the night market when I’m done with the inspection.”

‘I want to stay with her, but I’m here on a work trip. I can’t afford to delay everyone’s time. So, I’ll have to finish my work before anything else.’

“That works for me,” she said. Noticing that he was looking strong and fit again, she asked, “How are you feeling today? Are you recovering well?”

“I’m much better now.” His lips curled into a smile as he glanced at her affectionately. “This is all thanks to you, Bonnie. How else would I have recovered so soon?”

“Alright. That’s enough. Stop being a smart mouth and go. You’re keeping everyone waiting.” She was speechless at his response.

“Okay.” He chuckled and patted the back of her hand. “Wait for me. I’ll be back soon.”

“Yeah. I know that. Just hurry up and go.” She waved her hand impatiently, eager to shake him off. He was so clingy.

‘That’s how conflicting humans are. I miss him when he isn’t around. The moment we’re together, however, he irritates me.’

She watched him leave, then collected her thoughts and tucked into her breakfast.

Once that was done, she took a stroll in Everpeak’s streets with Jim. They found themselves at a bustling market, and she managed to buy some adorable trinkets.

Jim did his job by standing next to her and keeping her safe, ever aware of the crowd milling about in the area.

She turned around and saw how vigilant he was. Feeling helpless, she said, “This is Everpeak. Nobody knows us. Relax, Jim.”

“No way. I have to be on guard.” He said. Then, he thought back to the gut feeling he had back at the hotel entrance and looked at her before telling her about it.


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