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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 831

“That’s right. I’m telling you, these are trendy internet terms—” Avril was just about to pull Bonnie into a discussion about these exciting things when a pleasant voice interrupted her.

“Excuse me, could you switch seats? I want to sit next to Bonnie.”

“Huh?” Avril was utterly shocked.

Seeing that Avril hadn’t responded, Andreas said, “Is that okay?”

Avril looked at Andreas and then at Bonnie. Since Bonnie didn’t react, Avril slowly stood up and silently vacated the seat.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.” Andreas smiled warmly in gratitude and immediately sat next to Bonnie.

Avril’s mouth twitched helplessly.

“You’re welcome.”

She found an empty seat behind Bonnie, rested her chin in her hand, and curiously watched the interaction between Bonnie and Andreas. She wondered if Andreas was yet another bodyguard sent to protect Bonnie.

‘If he was indeed a bodyguard, the quality of bodyguards from the military is outstanding. Each one is more handsome than the last.

‘If only I could be as impressive as Bonnie. Then I could enjoy the same treatment.

‘Of course, that’s impossible. But at least I can bask in the presence of handsome men, haha…’

Chapter 831 1

Chapter 831 2

Chapter 831 3


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