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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 834

The middle-aged man she asked seemed a bit hesitant. After a long pause, he finally said, "Miss, I'm sorry, but we—"

Bonnie thought she might have to leave empty-handed today. Just as she was about to turn around, a clear voice interrupted her. "There are still vacant rooms. Miss, you want to stay for half a month, right?"

Following the voice, Bonnie saw a boy dressed in luxurious clothes. He had golden hair and blue eyes. His face was striking, exuding a glow that made him look like a prince straight out of a painting.

This boy was none other than Andreas. This place marked her first encounter with him.

She looked at Andreas with an appreciative gaze for a few seconds before refocusing on discussing the price. "How much will staying here for half a month cost?"

Her immediate concern was securing accommodation. She would be sleeping on the streets by nightfall if she didn’t solve it soon. Though she could handle herself well, safety was paramount in a foreign country, especially for a girl.

"How much?" Andreas had no concept of accommodation costs, so he turned to the person next to him and said, "You tell her, how much for half a month?"

He sneakily glanced at Bonnie while speaking. He could tell she was from Arvandor based on her appearance.

Chapter 834 1

Chapter 834 2

Chapter 834 3


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