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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 842

The other bodyguards intensified their assault on Bonnie.

Despite his pain, Andreas yelled aggressively at the bodyguards when he saw Bonnie struggling. "Your target is me! Come at me if you dare! Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this!"

Upon hearing this, the lead bodyguard sneered coldly. "Prince Andreas, even if she has nothing to do with this, she’s involved now. She knows what we’ve done. If we let her go, she might expose us. It's safer to eliminate both of you, and it’s less trouble."

"You... you..." Andreas began, but the pain from his wound made him gasp sharply.

Hearing Andreas’s pained cry, Bonnie frowned. "I have my way to handle them. You need to stop talking."

Before Andreas could respond, the lead bodyguard laughed mockingly. "Ha! Handle us? I’d like to see how you plan to do that!" With that, he joined the attack on Bonnie.

Now exhausted, Bonnie relied on her skills to fend them off. However, even the best skills couldn't handle so many attackers.

As she grew increasingly weary, the lead bodyguard saw his chance. He lunged at her and aimed the dagger at her chest. Bonnie’s eyes widened in alarm as she barely dodged the attack.

"You’re courting death!" she hissed.

The lead bodyguard laughed again. "Why don’t you understand who’s actually courting death here!" he sneered. "Finish her off!" he ordered the other bodyguards.

Just as the bodyguards were about to attack Bonnie, the sound of helicopter rotors filled the air.

They were intimidated by the sight of dozens of helicopters hovering overhead. Fearing for his life, the lead bodyguard cried out, "Her reinforcements are here! Run, quickly!"

Chapter 842 1


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