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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 847

"Andreas has finally been relieved of his suffering. I hope he'll have a better time in heaven, being a carefree little prince."

"Sigh—Prince Andreas is the king's heart and soul. If the king finds out that Prince Andreas is gone, I can't imagine how devastated he'll be."

"We should keep this from the king for now. The king is getting older, and I'm worried he won't be able to accept it. Now that Prince Andreas has had an accident, if anything happens to the king as well, Zudale will be in chaos."

Bonnie's eyes filled with guilt upon hearing the doctors' discussions. She grabbed Andreas's hand and kept calling his name.

"Andreas, Andreas, wake up. Please wake up! Didn't you say you wanted to go to the Pyralis with me? If you wake up, I'll take you there immediately, okay?"

"Also, you said you wanted to be the best of friends with me. If you don't wake up soon, I'll be friends with someone else. I won't care about you anymore."

"Will you wake up? This isn't a funny joke. Please stop joking like this with me."

However, there was no sign of Andreas waking up, his eyes still tightly shut.

Seeing his almost translucent pale face, Bonnie took a deep breath and made up her mind to say the words she had been unwilling to say just now.

"Andreas, didn't you say you wanted me to be your princess? If you wake up, I'll agree to your request, but if you—"

Before she could finish her sentence, the heart rate monitor next to Andreas started beeping again.

Following that was the sound of Andreas's heartbeat returning to normal.

The doctors were stunned.

"Is Ms. Bonnie's influence on Andreas so great? Just one sentence woke him up?"

"I feel like what's happening before us now could be considered a medical miracle!"

Chapter 847 1

Chapter 847 2


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