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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 849

Just as his consciousness grew weaker and he was about to give up, Bonnie's words injected him with strength that greatly inspired him.

He struggled desperately to break free from the grasp of death and return to Bonnie's side. As it turned out, he succeeded.

He was overjoyed being able to see Bonnie and chat with her happily now.

When Andreas brought up this topic, a hint of discomfort flashed in Bonnie's eyes, and she denied it. "No, you heard wrong. When did I promise you?"

Andreas cried out in agony, "You did promise me, don't play dumb!"

"I really didn't. You must have misheard," Bonnie responded without skipping a beat.

Andreas snorted. "I knew you would deny it, so when I woke up, I had already arranged for witnesses!"

As he spoke, he shouted outside the door, "Come in, all of you."

All the doctors who had operated with Bonnie in the emergency room walked in.

Bonnie felt a sense of foreboding when she saw them. Before she could speak, Andreas's voice rang out again.

"You guys tell me, did Bonnie agree to become my princess when we were in the emergency room just now?"

Several doctors lowered their heads, not daring to look at Bonnie's expression, and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, Your Highness, we all heard it. Ms. Bonnie did indeed agree to become your Princess."

Upon hearing this, Andreas looked at Bonnie and lifted his chin.

"So many people are testifying for me! Bonnie, you can't deny it!"

Chapter 849 1

Chapter 849 2


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