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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 851

“You might be overthinking it, Ivor. I wouldn’t do anything without you knowing.”

Ivor’s frown deepened as he asked, “Are you sure? I can’t shake the feeling that you’re acting weird today.”

Bonnie was about to reply, but Avril interjected, “Bonnie needs to deal with campus affairs today, Ivor. She was just worried about her work when you called. She was in the middle of her work just now.”

When Ivor heard that, he understood the situation and responded, “Oh, that’s what it was. I guess I should get out of your hair then.”

“Okay, I’ll call you when I finish work.” With that, Bonnie hung up and rested her cheek on her hand. She sighed and said, “What will Ivor think when he realizes I lied to him? He’s going to be pissed!”

‘I know I promised Andreas I’d become his consort because it’s an emergency. Still, he’s pressuring me to uphold my promise. That makes the whole thing different.’

The more Bonnie thought about it, the more convoluted it seemed. Her headache became unbearable, too. She could rub her temples all she wanted, but it did not make her feel better.

Avril said, “What kind of question is that? Of course, Ivor will be mad! That’s why you must never tell him about it!”

“You’re overreacting.” Bonnie frowned.

Chapter 851 1

Chapter 851 2

Chapter 851 3


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