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I Will Escape novel Chapter 73

As we are hiding we try to listen to all the sounds in the woods. There’s nothing what the hell is going on? Dominic is trying to mind link with his brother but still can’t. We are going to wait until we think its safe to go down. I can tell that Dominic is really weird about his family. They all might be in danger. He is stuck between protecting me and wanting to check on his family. I feel bad not sure what to say.

I confide in Jazz, “What do you think I should say to him?” I want to make him feel better.” Jazz responds, “just talk to him Sabrina ask him if he is okay show him that you are worried and that you care about him.”

So, I approach Dominic nervous not wanting to say the wrong thing to him. I touch his shoulder and sit down beside him. Placing my head on his shoulder, I ask “Dominic are you okay?”

He says, “of course I’m with my mate.”

 I then say Dominic there’s nothing wrong with you wanting to protect your family. Your allowed to worry about them, your family matters too. He tells me, “I can’t connect with my brother he’s not hurt, or dead. Well I don’t think he is anyways.”

 I might be to far away to link up to him I’m just worried on what has happened, and who the hell was walking in the woods, its like they just fucking disappeared.

I then ask Dominic if he wants to climb down and go together to search for his brother.

I don’t want to put your life in danger. I smile and grab his chin, so he looks at me.

 I’m always in some kinds of danger. We need to find Damien and Tonya to make sure that they are safe. What if they need our help while we are just sitting here. Dominic looks at me worried, promise me one thing , I look at him answering “what’s that?” If there is trouble you will run. I argue, I can’t run forever, “what is a life of being alone?” I rather be with people I care about.

 He looks at me smiles, kisses my lips and says “Are you ready?” I respond, “lets do this!”

So, I get nervous, but this needs to be done.

I can’t be scared forever I need to fight for the life, I deserve. I’m not going to try to get caught but I’m wanting to at least try to save those I care about.


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