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I Will Escape novel Chapter 74

Dominic then looks at Damien he utters, “What do you mean everyone is gone?” Dominic I’m sorry to tell you this but he burnt down our entire packs territory it’s all gone. 

If you didn’t join his pack and go with him you died. Our people tried to escape but they weren’t fast enough and he killed them. I got to Tonya and we were all trapped, so mother forced  Bridget, Tonya and I to leave.

 I brought them here then went back to try to save mother. When I made it she was already gone, she died giving us the chance to escape. There are people from the Devil’s pack that is walking around searching the grounds for any stragglers to kill. 

Dominic then looks at Damien says, “We cannot stay on this territory we need to escape somehow.” I look at Dominic and suggest to him, we need to switch directions we can’t go back to your territory. They will expect that we need to come up with a plan. We all need to get the hell out of here safely so nobody gets hurt. No one gets hurt unless it’s members of the Devil’s pack.

I  tell everyone that we need to turn into our wolf and start running now. Dominic glares  at me saying, not everyone is as fast as you Sabrina. I understand that but the longer we sit around here the more likely of us getting caught. 

I am not about to go back to the Devil’s pack to be tortured all over again. I’m not doing it. Damien then agrees with me telling Dominic  “She’s right we need to start getting out of here.” 

Tonya then says that some of us need rest before we start this. I then respond if we do not go now before it gets dark out, we will get split up. There is a chance in the dark we won’t be able to find each other. 

Dominic then grabs my hand and says, “Sabrina we all need to stay together we cannot separate.”

 Sabrina then looks at Dominic and says, “fine but we all need to hide it’s getting dark and we can’t be seen.”

  The fort is right by the water source that sits right in the middle of the woods. It’s between territories there are going to be people that come to get a drink out of this pond. Without any other water sources around this is the only one and we are right beside it.

 I think that we should fill up our water bottles and go to Dominic’s secret place. It has plenty of room it’s above the ground we will be able to see them before they see us.

 “What do you think Dominic?” I ask him. 


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