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I Will Escape novel Chapter 8

The nurse comes into my room. It's a different nurse this time. She says, “You will be getting discharged soon. Here is your dinner options. If you would like to fill it out I will get you your dinner for you.”

I say, “Okay.” I fill it out. I choose chicken, potatoes and green beans. It was shockingly amazing. As she comes to get my tray I tell her, thank you and compliments to the chief it was delicious.” She just looks at me and shakes her head. Then smiles and leaves.

“So jazz what do you think our first move should be,” I ask. 

“Well we need to get him to trust you, but I'm not sure what he has planned. He is so unpredictable.”

“I know right! It's like he is bipolar!” I let out a little laugh, “Jazz do you really think we can pull this off,” I ask.

“Yes, but you need to be patient. Don't try to rush this we can do it. I just know it. It just might take time.”

“Jazz we are going to be going to his house. I'm scared.” Not knowing what's going to happen when we get there I bring my knees-up to my chest. “I'm so tired of pain, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger I guess.” 

Then the nurse comes in and says, “It's medicine time.” 

This is the first time she spoke to me, so I ask, “What it is?”

She tells me, “It's just Tylenol.” I put the pill in my mouth, she gives me water, I thank her, and she leaves. I pull the pill out of my mouth knowing it wasn't Tylenol and flushed it down the toilet.

I use my wolf hearing to see if I can her the nurse talking. If I focus her voice seems like she is talking to a man. I have no idea who he is, but she is calling him Beta. That's an odd name I'm thinking. 


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