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I Will Escape novel Chapter 9

As I'm waking up I feel a tightness in my body. Moving is impossible. I don't recognize where I am. Then I notice the reason I am not able to move is because Alpha is snuggling against me while sleeping holding on to me for dear life. I try to get up out of his grip but its impossible, so I lay there.

I start looking around thinking this must be his bedroom. He actually has good taste. The walls are painted like a light hunter green that lighten up the room. I see his dagger collection then I get angry wondering if they're the daggers he was using when he was using my back for target practice.

Jazz speaks, “Stop. We need to earn his trust. It's going to be hard to do, but we need to do this if we ever want a chance to escape. “

“Right jazz keep our eyes on the prize. I know jazz, but it's hard to forget all he has done and hasn't done yet. This is going to be a lot harder than I imagined.”

Jazz responds, “You can do this. Just try not to lose control.”

“Hey, my sweet Sabrina. Good morning,” he says turning me around to make me look at him. I try to turn away, but he forces me to look at him. “So baby how did you sleep,” he asks.

I respond, “I would have slept a lot better if I wasn't beside a monster like you.” What I really wanted to say to him was to get his filthy hands off me, but I didn't. I just responded, “Fine.” He goes to kiss me and I turn away. I respond, “I don't want to do this please just stop.”

“Oh Sabrina,” he says as he roughly grabs me by my hair and pulls me in, “I will do whatever the hell I want to do to you.” He kisses me roughly and bites my lip drawing blood.

I whimper in pain trying to push him away, but his grip is too strong. “Please stop! Please! I have never done this before.”

He stops and says, “Wait, are you a virgin Sabrina?” I say nothing.

“Answer me Sabrina.”

I respond, “Yes I'm a virgin.”

“Oh Sabrina, I get to take your innocence from you,” he says.


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