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Let Me Go, Mr. Harvey novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 James Won't Let Her Go Easily

"Your clothes will get dirty." Angela took off the suit and handed it to him.

She cleaned toilets and cleaned up vomit. So she was really dirty.

"I don't care!" Greyson's eyes were red. He grabbed his suit violently and rudely covered it on her, "If you say that kind of shit again, I'll be angry!"

Angela felt the warmth from the clothes and smiled, not refusing it again

"Quit you job, too." Greyson took out his wallet, pulled out a bank card and put it right into her hand, "Take this. This is for you. Let me know if you need more!"

"No, I'm fine as a cleaner."

Angela pushed the bank card back to her brother.

Greyson didn't take the card, he looked at her, painful and sad, "Angela, are you mad at me for not helping you two years ago, so you wouldn't spend my money?


"No, don't blame yourself."

Angela interrupted him, hiding bitterness in her eyes, "Mom and Dad will be mad if they know you give me money, and Dad has a heart problem."

Greyson clenched, unclenched and re-clenched his fists and finally took the card back, "Well, you don't have to take the card. I'll get you a good job, that's okay, right?"

"No, brother."

Angela's voice was low, "I'm in the Dream Club, I can't leave."

James wouldn't let her go so easily.

Greyson's face became white abruptly. After a moment, he gritted his teeth and the veins in his forehead seemed to pop out, "James forces you to work as a cleaner?"

Angela nodded.

"That son of a bitch!" Greyson loosened his tie, his eyes were red, "Wasn't it enough? He has put you in prison for two years, what else does he want? I'll come to him!"

Then, he was leaving.


Angela tugged at him hard, looking tired, "You can't win, don't bother yourself."


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