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Let Me Go, Mr. Harvey novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Lack of Women?

Angela bit her lip bleeding and a strong taste of blood spread in her mouth.

She could feel the gastric acid reached her throat several times, but she forced it down.

Seeing that she stayed still for a long time, the man already got impatient.

The uproar got louder.


The door suddenly opened and James's tall figure appeared in the doorway.

His gaze swept coldly across the box, and finally rest on Angela, who was kneeling on the ground. He frowned for a few seconds.

Gabriela was lazily leaning against the wall with enchanting look.

The boisterous crowd quieted down, everyone stood orderly. And one or two guys hurried to open windows for ventilation.

"Mr. Harvey…Mr. Harvey."

The man pushed Angela away and stood as disciplined as the others.

Angela grabbed the ashtray but was suddenly pushed by him. She stumbled and fell down and the ashtray shattered.

But at this time, no one even noticed her, and no one was bored enough to wonder what she was doing with an ashtray.

She staggered to her feet and stood with her head bowing to the side.

Ashtray fragments stuck into her hand, and her blood trickled down to the floor.

Gazing at her bleeding hand, James paused and moved away as if nothing happened.

No one spoke in the room. It was so quiet and scary.

"Lack of women?" James passed over Angela and looked at the man behind her, "Shall I arrange a few more for you?"

The man forced a smile with his Adam's apple moving a few times, and stammered, "No... No, thank you."

James grabbed him, and said faintly, " Never mind, you're a guest, and catering to your needs is what the Dream Club is supposed to do."


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