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Let Me Go, Mr. Harvey novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 He Thought Her Dirty

Gabriela responded with a smile, taking out her medicine kit to bind up Angela's cut while asking casually, "Do I need to prepare clothes for Angela?"

"Not necessary."

James walked over to the table and tossed his remaining cigarette into the ashtray.

The alcohol soaked into the cut and hurt a little. Angela's forehead was covered with cold sweat. She gritted her teeth and didn't make a sound, getting more apprehensive inside

Why did Gabriela suddenly ask if she should prepare clothes for her? Were they going to let her be a barmaid?

"All done." Gabriela packed up her medicine kit and looked up at her, "What a pity about this... I mean the scar on your head."

"Thank you, Gabriela, I'll leave first then."

Hearing this, Angela became increasingly uneasy, and she stood up with a blanched face and tried to walk out.

James called her, "Did I say you're free to go?"

"Do you have something else to say?" Angela turned around and asked with uneasiness.

James didn't reply just bypassed her and went outside. When he found she didn't come along, he stopped and frowned, "Why are you still standing there? Follow me."

Angela clutched the corner of her coat, dragging her legs behind him as if they were filled with lead.

The sun was going down, and his shadow stretched long and overlapped hers, so heavy that she could barely breathe.

"Mr. Harvey." The driver was already waiting by the Bentley, and when James got in, he closed the door.

Angela went around to the other side and stepped into the car. Upon her right foot getting in the car, she heard James speaking softly, "Get her a cushion so the car won't get dirty."

Angela stiffened and silently put her feet back up, feeling chilling to the bone as she stood in the winter breeze.

There were no towels or cushions in the car, so the driver ended up with a pile of tissues and lay them under the seat where Angela was going to sit.

"Put some on the floor too." James sat in the car, reading the paperwork, not even looking at Angela.

The driver took the tissues and smiled embarrassingly at Angela.

"It's okay, my shoes are dirty, just put them on."

The sun set down completely, and the cold wind was penetrating through her clothes into her pores, giving her shivers.

When the driver was done, she got in the car, her spine straight, not daring or wanting to touch the seat in case that James blamed her for dirtying his car.

The car was driving along the road.

Angela looked outside the window, the mall she used to hang out had been demolished and was now a club.

The food court near the G University also changed and was converted into a shopping mall.

After two years in prison, she found the whole world had changed when she was out.

The car finally stopped in front of a five-star hotel.

Angela got out of the car and found a lot of limousines parked here, and the people coming down were mostly dressed in formal attire. The place seemed to be hosting a party.

"Mr. Harvey," Angela lowered her head, her jagged bangs hiding the look under her eyes, "May I wait outside?"

"Do you think so?" James stopped and looked at her with a seeming smile.

Angela tugged at her lip, smiling bitterly.

She followed him into the party. Her blue uniform stood out among the crowd.

From the moment she appeared, countless people looked at her with curiosity, despise or disdain. She kept her head down all the way, trying to be unnoticeable.

"Mr. Chante." Along the way, James met a number of people who came over to greet him, but he just nodded his head until he saw Lorenzo Chante.


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