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Let Me Go, Mr. Harvey novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Will He Let Her Go?

Timothy wanted to say something more, but when she saw Angela gaze at her, her eyes flashed with scruples. She swallowed all her words, grunting.

Julia did not draw her eyelines well. She removed and drew it again, asking as she did so.

"Angela, have you had dinner yet?"

If you haven't, I'll order more in my take-out."

"A bowl of porridge for me, please."

Angela found her locker and went through a clean set of uniform.

"Why did you just ask her but not me about dinner?"

Timothy, with her right elbow supporting her on the bed, shouted with her figure reclining.

"I didn't eat either, just order me the same one as your order, I'm not picky about food."

"I do not care. Order what you want for yourself, I don't have the extra money to buy you a meal."

Julia started to wear some lipstick, then she wiped the extra lipstick on her lips with a cotton swab.

Timothy's face turned red out of furor, she sat up and said loudly.

"Julia, we've both known each other for so many years, and you're buying dinner for a murderer you've only known for less than a month and not for me?"

Hearing the word 'murderer', Angela stopped changing her clothes for a while, then proceeded to fasten her buttons.

"Whenever I buy a meal for Angela, she pay for it.

How about you give me the money for the food I bought you before, and then I'll buy it for you?"

Julia said.

Timothy cursed a swear word. "You bitch is so mean! Just a meal, I dont't care."

Angela and Julia did not answer her any more.

When the take-out came, they ate together and went to work.

"Angela, there's a lady at the door looking for you."

A colleague came over, spoke to Angela shiveringly, and hurried away without waiting for Angela to ask who that lady was, as if she was afraid of Angela - a murderer.

Angela went to the door after putting her cleaning tools in the workroom, only to find that the baby-faced lawyer was looking for her.

"I'm sorry I come to you after such a long time."

Raya blushed and said guiltily.

Angela couldn't figure out why she looked for her, "What is the matter?"

"Let's talk somewhere else."

Raya watched the people coming and going, she pulled Angela out of the Dream Club and found a relatively secluded spot.

"I'm really sorry."

Raya held her hands together, "I've told my master and my father about you, but my master doesn't want to get involved in this.

I begged my dad for help, and he ended up telling me he couldn't help."

"It's Okay, thank you."

Angela hadn't expected a stranger to be so caring for her, and she paused for a moment before showing her gratitude.

she thought that her family chose to avoid seeing her without even the most basic efforts when they heard that she had pissed James off.

In contrast, her familes and relatives were really apathetic and indifferent.

Seeing this, Raya was anxious, "Why aren't you anxious at all?

Let me tell ou, my dad is the new secretary of the municipal party committee, a high-level official.

If he can't help, no one else can. Who have you pissed off?"

"Thank you for being willing to help me."

Angela bowed and said.

"You'd better stay away from me for your own good."

She just didn't realize that her dad was the secretary of the municipal party committee, a high-level official. She did not realize that James didn't let her go even if the high-level official asked for it.

The reason why Raya studying laws was to get rid of the violence. She did not anticipate that the first case made her so frustrated. she paused for a very long time, and said, blushing.



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