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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 23

My phone's alarm kept on ringing and lazily I buried my head down the pillow.

I was too tired to reach for my phone to turn it off.

Suddenly the ringing went off and I felt something stings my arm making me winces.

I woke up in alarm rubbing my arm in pain. My eyes now fully opens and my grandma stood there beside my bed with her bamboo massager back scratcher stick and a phone on her other hand.


I cry out rubbing my arm. She is talking to the phone which is on loudspeaker and the tone of the person on the phone isn't welcoming.

Of course it was my mother shouting over the phone not towards my grandma but me.

Calling out every punishment she would do to me for stealing my dad's car and driving without a licence.

So practically after Matteo helped me with the guard last night I came straight to my grandmother's house.

She wasn't here but since I know where she usually keeps the key when I was young I try my luck and it worked.

My grandmother didn't know the time I came home as she wasn't at home but she knew I was coming.

"Grandma" I pouted "don't grandma me" she raised her voice making me flinch.

Turning off the phone "I love you grandma" I went up hugging her. "You liar," she tries to push me away but I hug her tight.

"Best grandma ever" she hugs me back "you have grown up and I am impressed you're more like your father except the hair and attitude" she smiles "been such a long time" I could see her tears about to fall and I hug her tightly.

"Awww grandma" I gushes "you know if I have a license I won't miss coming here to see you" she nodded her head.

"Youngsters nowadays, you should use your legs to get here,. Don't you have werewolf gift"

"you mean the rogues or hunters might kill me before I get here."

Her eyes roll up "young lady, you need to be brave, now get yourself clean and be downstairs for breakfast. We have a lot to do today" I groan at that.

Stumbling my way down after shower I saw my grandma by the dining table. Food already spread out on the table

"hmmmm I miss your cooking" I quickly run towards her hugging her from the back.

"Oh silly now settle down and eat"

I sat down smiling then taking in the most delicious smell of different food before devouring it.

"Oh dear grandma you should have warned me, now I'm getting fat" I said rubbing my full stomach.

My grandma whack me at the back of my head "Grandma"

"so what if you get fat, eat and live is most important here in my home. Size doesn't matter dear, you need to appreciate whatever body you have" I sigh.


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