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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 24

Oh my! And No way!

Those abs, if only it belongs to another male wolf yet it only belongs to none other than the green eye jerk.

We look at each other with surprise and I am wondering why the hell is he doing here in another territory.

Does he have to be everywhere I go. I know I should be grateful of last night but seriously why the hell is he here?

His presence is obviously making me feel giddy. Like right here I never blushed in front of any guy but now I could feel heat burning my cheeks while Alera drools over him.

"What are you doing here?" he asks bringing me back to reality and just remember I was supposed to give him the pie.

I put it high in front of me "my grandma wants me to give you this" he squint his brows then looking at the pie in my hands.

He took a sniff then a smile blaster on his face "Wait! you're grandma is nana Gloria" he exclaimed while I furrow my brow on 'why would he call my grandma his nana.'

He immediately took it from my hands excitedly "come on in"

Wow! again I am surprised he invited me inside without going all hulk on me.

"Should I go inside or not?" I ask Alera and she quickly reply "just get your ass in he's your mate and besides didn't he save you from last night"

He look back for me and I took a step inside.

The place was quite big and I felt comfy in there. My eyes darting around towards the photos and paintings on the wall.

I followed him towards the kitchen and stood by the door.

I clear my throat "so what are you doing here?" I ask him.

He immediately put the pie on the table and went to through the kitchen cardboard.

He fetched forks handing me one and I nodded my head no.

"So are you going to answer me or not" I try again hoping he would answer this time. I am seriously curious of why he was here.

"I am here to visit my cousin" he retorted.

Then it hit me his cousin must be the Alpha as this house is my grandma's only neighbour. My grandmother's house is located at the end of this pack after the Alpha's house.

"Thank you for saving me last night from the guard and also in the previous event" I blurted sitting down on a chair opposite him.

I watches him while he eats not minding me in front of him. It makes me wonder what it would feel like to actually dated my mate or any other guy.


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