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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 28

"So how did your weekend go?" Cora came inside the living room

"it was refreshing" I call after her while she settle down on the couch dropping her bag on the floor.

"Any hotties?" she types something on her phone then wiggle her brow at me.

"No, there were no hotties at all" I kept myself busy around so that I won't look at her.

"I only get to spend time with my grandma with no boys," I lie walking behind the counter putting both of my hands on it.

I am so happy that Cora or my parents weren't around when Matteo dropped me off. I never wanted any of them to find out about us, not right now.

Changing the subject as I was afraid she would find out if we continue to talk about my weekend I ask her.

"How did the cheer thing go?" she sigh

"well fuck Janice and Maria we came third, those stupid ass made us lose," she threw her hands up in frustration.

"How so?" I ask with interest while she shook her head in disappointed

"they changed our routine last minute" she said with a sigh.

At that moment I felt bad for my friend as I wasn't surprised hearing this about those two.

I remember when they went for the spelling bee our school lose before the competition and this all because the school never chose the top English students but the two bitches.

The door opens trying to find a corner or anywhere to hide thinking it was my mom but no it wasn't.


I excitedly skip over to him and gave him a big hug. I know my dad wouldn't lecture me for taking his car and I never care to ask why he was home early. Because I am beyond excited that he is here as I hardly spend time with my parents especially with my dad.

He pulls away then look me over "hmmm my daughter seems so happy" he look over to Cora who snickered.

"To think again, you are right Mr. Rumanoff you're daughter seems to be glowing today" she said teasingly

"I bet something happens over the weekend, we might as well call grandma Gloria" she again wiggle her brows.

Feeling embarrassed I hit my dad lightly on the shoulder "aww come on stop it you two. Can't I be happy to be back with my parents and best friend."

The door slams open then closed and Cora glance to the doorway then to me mouthing "Trouble" before she announced loudly "glad to be whipped"

I look at my dad "Mom" he murmur and I move behind him.

We heard footsteps 'one, two' I counted her foot steps in my head 'three'

"ADDASAH" she scream almost shaking the whole house.


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