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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 29

Matteo and I always fail to meet secretly, it has been three days passed and we still haven't meet up.

We never have those alone moments with each other. There are times after school we want to meet but miserably we never get the chance.

Cora and Gia were always beside me and even if I go home my parents would always be there.

Constantly they have both come home early and I never question it cause I am taking advantage of it to enjoy every moment with them.

So Matteo and I are texting nonstop and talk sometimes on the phone either facetime or Skype but that if only I am in my room alone away from the ears of everybody.

I am trying my best not to be caught by my parents.

Today would mark the fourth day of not being able to see each other.

I woke up early to find his text on my phone 'I can't do this anymore' then I read the other one "this distance between us. So please spare a moment tonight with me" I grin at this, then ready myself for school.

My dad says he'll be late tonight when he dropped Cora and I at school. I did a little happy dance in my head now I only have my mom to look out for.

School was still the same, Janice and Maria were busy with our prom preparations with everyone else. While I busy myself with doing nothing but spend some quality time with my friends.

Sometime later after school I was walking down the hallway by myself when I felt hands pull me to a corner.

Sparks suddenly ignite my body and I knew who it was. I am surprised to see him here "hey what are you doing here?" he put his hand over my mouth.

"Please tonight Addasah I want you to go on a date with me"

"I can't Matteo" yet he keeps pleading to take me on a date.

"Okay I'll see what I can do as my mom will be home tonight. Why are you here?" I ask him at last.

"We came to pickup Jay's sister"

"Jay has a sister here" I repeated 'that's new' I thought to myself.

"Emarez Colby, that's his sister" I don't know her but still I just nod my head.

We heard voices coming nearer, he then quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek "please text me"

"wait casual or formal"

"be yourself my beauty" he kisses me again.

I went home by myself as Cora is going to their cheer squad party. She wants me to go with her but I refuse to cause Cora is the only person I like from the whole cheer bitches.

When I arrive home I saw my mom's note which made me feel like I won a lottery. She won't be home until the next day.

So I texted Matteo he could pick me up around 8pm.

Turn and twist in front of the mirror I tried all my dresses until I settled with a floral rompers and pairing them with my floral wedges. I pull up my hair in a messy bun then waited for Matteo.


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