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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 42

I blink my eyes looking at the ceiling and I knew I was back in my room.

I burst into tears with my hands trying to reach for my broken heart.

If people thought their Alpha's son bit me due to disrespecting him then they are damn right.

The bastard didn't mark me he actually bit me on the neck, he was going to kill me. I sob out loud then started to sit up leaning my back against the bed headboard.

The door opens my mom's back was facing me as she struggles to close it with a tray of food in her hands.

I wanted to help her but I feel like I have been wreck by a train beside I was crying like a child.

"Addasah" she look at me as if she was to cry


"Oh thank moon goddess" she quickly walk towards me before placing the tray on the nightstands and hug the life out of me.

She started to cry but I held her close running my hands up and down on her comforting her. We sat there crying in each others arms.

I should have listen when she said to stay away from Matteo. I should have walk away from him back then. Now everybody knows I'm his Mate and the jokes on me since it's Quinn he was mating not me.

"I'm sorry" I apologize while sobbing in her arms.

"I thought we're going to lose you" she cries while holding me

"It's okay mom, I'm here and I am truly sorry" she sniffles "let me link your father" the door slam open.

My father came running in and hug me tightly, then pulls my mom in to the hug. My father was strong enough not to show his tears but my mom never was.

She may be the one with the attitude but when it comes to me she just became weak.

"We thought we would lose you" I pull them both in a hug comforting them.

"Hey it's okay I'm here with you, aren't I" my mother wipe of her tear while my dad pull her in his arms. I wipe off my tears deciding to tell them the truth.

"Mom, dad" my tears began to drop again. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about staying away from Matteo" my mother look with shock she slowly pull away from my dad's arms.

My father on the other side look with confused. I quickly got out of the bed and kneel in front of them.

"I'm sorry I disobey you mom. Please forgive me mom but you have to understand I love him and I couldn't stay away he's my mate" my voice crack in the end and I was crying again.

My father stagger back slowly sinking down onto the ground. I thought he was going to be disappointed in me but he just started to tear up.

"It can't be" he murmured "Oh my poor daughter" he cry looking up the ceiling.

"Why moon goddess?" he threw his hands up and my mom move to comfort him.

Then she extends her hand to me motioning for me to come over. I got up and ran towards them, I knew my mom is going to forgive me no matter what I do despite me being a disobedient child.

"Oh our poor baby" they both embrace me tightly and all of us were in tears again. It's almost an hour since we have been in that position until they both lead me back to bed.

They sat me down on the bed with both of them on each side of me. My mother rub my shoulder while my father sitting there taking a deep breath.


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