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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 43

My friends stares at me in desbelief "No way" Gia tries to slap herself again.

"You, Matteo wow! that ass hole" Cora stood up with her hands on both hips.

"If he was here I would skrill him alive before feeding dogs with his ba-" she stops in mid sentence seeing us both stare at her.

"What?" she roll her eyes and I crack up laughing.

"Wow, never thought I would live the day to hear you talk like that... Wooo wow" Gia and I applaud to her with enthusiastic.

"You are both crazy but seriously I despise him" she sat down on the other side of bed.

"So you wanna tell us about" I lower my head in shame fiddling with my hands.

"It's okay you can take your time, maybe" I interrupted her, cutting out what she was trying to say.

"I knew he was my Mate on my eighteen birthday when I came to pick you guys up."

I took a deep breath then there I began to tell them of how our everything between him and I began.

From the first moments up to the one I gradually began to fall in love with him. Our first kiss, the way he makes me feel when he's around and me stupidly believe everything he says.

How we sneak around everyone's back to go on dates, then I finally admitted that I love him and how he avoid me afterwards. I also told them how I find out about the truth and I confronted him.

I was in tears after telling them about it "I love him you know that. I just fell for all his lies, fuck it felt like I wanted to die when he admitted the truth" I beat on my heart sobbing out hard.

"Gosh" I try to wipe my tears again

"I'm sorry for not telling you guys. I'm sorry" I sobs.

"Did you ever thought of telling us" Gia asks

"I did try but you went in heat and Cora left for her pack... I'm sorry guys and it is okay if you hate me I deserve it."

They both surprisingly hug me tightly "Awww our poor baby, we could never hate you" their hands smoothing my back with comfort.

"You know I think things are making sense now" Gia says while pulling away.

She held my hand "I overheard my dad and the Gamma's conversation the day after Matteo attack you. I didn't understand then but now I can piece the puzzle" she took a deep breath.

"I heard the Alpha practically gather Bilford College football team including the ones that were there at the event and has order everyone never to speak of what happened that night.

He made them submit and swore to never utter anything about his Mate. Well now I know you're his Mate," she sigh.

"I don't know why the Alpha then does not want you and Matteo to be Mate. I mean you are a daughter of a top warrior" Cora says with curiosity.

Gia shrugged her shoulders "yeah now I'm curious too," he finger pointing the end of her mouth as if thinking before giving up.

"I wish I knew more or maybe I'll try and snoop around my dad's office. Anyways I also heard the pack warriors are looking for"

Gia looks as if she didn't want to say it but Cora was hard out gesturing at her to spill the beans.


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