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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 44

I was crying to myself and at the same time I try to control my breath when I heard the door suddenly opens and my parents walked in.

Rapidly I wipe off my tears and ran to the kitchen tub splashing water on my face. I try to put a smile calming myself down before going back in the living room to greet them.

They look with shock when they turn and find me standing there with a smile.

Yeah I am just going to pretend that everything is fine that I am perfectly okay.

"Oh honey," my mom came and hug me while my dad kiss me on the forehead.

"I have prepared our dinner" I pressed my lips together again my mom kisses me on the forehead.

"You should have wait for me to come and do it but thank you honey" she smiles at me and my dad squeeze her hands.

"We have something to ask you but after dinner" my dad says while taking off his jacket.

We all went back to the kitchen to have our dinner. It was pleasant and I enjoy it very much, we laugh and talk more.

My parents were telling me the first time she found out she was pregnant with me and all those moments when I was young.

Then I thought of my wish on my 18th birthday maybe having a sibling would help me out.

"Mom, can I have another sibling"

I put my hand over my mouth, damn I can't believe I said that. I sounded like a kid asking her mom to buy her a barbie doll that is sold in a store.

My parents look stunned before they both burst in to laughter at what I just said.

I watch them exchange look, my mom rolling her eyes and my dad chuckle at her before he takes a fork and eat the pasta with a smile.

My mom then look at me smiling "well dear we'll see but your sibiling will definitely not be born tonight"

My dad's head suddenly pops up smirking and my mom shook off his hand.

"Your father is such a cheeky man, trust me dear. He was so cheeky that's why your late nana Natasha made him stood in his birthday suit in front of the shop."2

I try not to laugh at my dad who scrunched his brows.

"Oh you wouldn't tell our daughter my most embarrassing moment, when yet you are one sassy woman I met" he complains.

I felt a little bit embarrassed of hearing this but then again there was nothing to be embarrassed about. This are moments other kids long for.

"You ask for it" my mom took her fork and stack it in her pasta acting like those high school girl in movie.


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