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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 50

Four years later

"She can't come home Lyndon, not now" I heard my mom reminded my dad through the phone.

"She needs to finish her training" it was like she is the one talking to me over the phone but not my dad.

"Dad, please tell mom I need to be there for my brother's birth"

"I heard that and no you can't" she calls over.

"You heard that honey, you can't come home but will send you photos" he chime and I just gave up on that and told them I love you before ending the call.

Indeed, I am not necessarily giving up as I am packing my clothes in my suitcase. Ughh how can they not want me to be there like seriously I want to be there for my brother's birth. So I am going there as a surprise whether they like it or not.

Who knows Matteo is going to be surprise too, and I just hope he have kept his promises. After all it has been four years of going to uni here now I finally want to go back home.

I am back in the dorms after staying with Elle and Eric for one year in their home I then request to move into the dorms.

Despite them wanting me to stay there but I still want to experience moving in with a roommate which was unfortunate.

My one and only roommate was send back home after getting herself pregnant with her mate since then I live on my own.

My parents and I talk a lot through the phone over the years. They wanted me to come over and visit but I refused as I still wasn't over my heartbreak.

Now that I'm finally over everything and I want to go home to see them but they wouldn't let me. Especially now my mom's pregnancy is due this month and whenever I ask of Matteo my dad would say to forget him, and that was it nothing else.2

Over the four years I hardly contact Cora or Gia, the last time I met Cora was when her brother came here in track of his Mate who got kidnapped by her crazy ex fiancée, then that was a year ago.

I heard from several people who went to her pack that she got grounded as her infidelity with Jem has been finally caught.

As for Gia the last time we talk was a year back. She has move in with Ed and they have gone around other pack's for vacation.

I have made new friends over the years and Kevin was quite annoyed that I almost over the past three years of my life want to give up and go home.

The guy has been a nightmare he may have not physically harass but he did sexually harass me verbally. Thanks to my dad for teaching me self defense that I could defend myself everytime he tries to touch me.

The last time we enter into a combat was on the night of our dorm party. He pretend to get drunk and tries to seduce me and when he couldn't he tries to get physical which I put up pretty much a good fight.

Beta Lucian found us fighting and Kevin was expelled from the uni with Elle standing her ground that he would not step any foot in their pack. Thanks for that he was send back home and I could finally live my last year in uni happily without any more trouble.

"Addasah" someone knocked on my room's door "who is it?"

"It's Kaiser" I threw my last cloth in my suitcase.

Kaiser is one of a friend I met here in uni along with Sana and Ollie. They became my friends but Sana and Ollie have left to go home a month ago.

Kaiser and I have 2 months of training left before we go home. Kaiser was quite different from Ollie whom only made it clear to be just friends but Kaiser, he was the first guy who approached me to be his girlfriend apart from Kevin's sick proposal.

In fact, I turn him down as I wasn't interested at all I was so invested in school projects and work. Dating never appeared in my calendar schedule or my diary.

He then wants to be my friend and here we are friends. Just friends with no benefit as the others call it or anything that would hinder our friendship.

I straighten my sweater and went out to meet him outside as I am not letting him in my room.

That's another thing, a rule I made up a few months after settling here: no guy would enter my room and that goes for my guy friends.

"Shall we" he smile and I nod my head following behind him. There is going to be a festival tonight but I wasn't going to attend it as I will be going back home after the surprise Kaiser wanted to show me.

He took me to a pond at the back of our campus and I could see he was nervous. Alera was a little bit disappointed as she was ready to go home but Kaiser is making us late.


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