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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 51

Stretching out my arms in front of my home. I smile taking in the view of our house.

After four hours of ride I am finally here in one piece with no accident on the road or any rogues attack. I can't believe nothing has changed.

I walk up to the front door and found it lock 'perfect' I excitedly giggle while going around and climb over my room.

"Geez thanks to the moon goddess they didn't cut down this tree" I mumble to myself as I made my way up the window.

The window was locked but I use my arm to break it down and finally I was in.

'It's good to be back home' I threw myself on the bed and happy that everything was still the same as I left them to be. I watches the ceiling for a moment thinking of how things are around here before running down the stairs to get my suitcase inside the house.

I locked the door again and made my way to my room where I unpack my stuff and thought of ways to surprise my parents at the same time I hope for my mom not to kill me as she has clearly told me to stay there.

Feeling bored by myself at home I decided to go to the mall for shopping and grab something sweet to eat. Everything there seems a bit changed but I was surprised that its all shut down.

The shops were close even cafe I look around and there was no sign of anyone around here. So I drove to a cafe out of town near the territory.

The cafe is almost closed so I quick my steps and made it there when the lady is about to close it.

I ask the lady if I could still buy some chocolate chips and a cake unfortunately she said no and went on to explain.

"Sorry dear but everything is close down for now even our side. We are all attending tonight's ball for Alpha Matteo-"2

My phone rings cutting off the woman and what she is trying to tell me. Looking at the number it was private I quickly declined it and turn my attention again back to the woman

"so everyone is expected there. I'm sorry my dear but we're close for business now" and she walk back inside closing the door in my face.

Sighing in defeat I went back home and chill in my room watching random movies.

Thinking my parents could be here any minute but no they aren't and it makes me wonder where they could have been.

'Why don't we go to the ball, maybe they are there already' Alera says through our link

'and plus we could surprise them there including Matteo. You know it's like killing two birds with one stone' she nervously suggested.2

To think again its not such a bad idea but am I really that ready to face him. Alera is insisting on meeting him but for me I am still nervous when it comes to facing him.2

'He promised' Alera reminds me and I found back my courage 'right we're going to do this.'

I look for a dress in my closet finally my eyes settled on my unworn dress that my friends bought on my eighteen birthday. I run my fingers through the royal dark green off the shoulder sleeveless dress, and thought on whether should I wear it or not.

In the end I wore the dress and to my surprise I love how the color suits me even though it wasn't my favourite one but I am amazed by it.

I did a retouch of my make up and I did my hair in a swept back hairstyle with gentle long curls down and fix the temples around my ears. I smack my lips together turning myself in front of the mirror before going to the ball.

As I was driving back I felt goosebumps on my body it's like something is going to happen but I try not to think of it.

When I arrived there I saw the pack house no longer a house but now turned into a mansion with guards at the gate.

They stopped me "invitation" the guard says without looking up as he was kicking something on the ground.

"Sorry I don't have it with me right now but I'm Addasah Rumanoff, a member of this pack"

the guard eyes swiftly turn up to me "Addasah?" he repeatedly said my name as if he didn't hear me before and I nodded my head in return.

"You may pass"

I drove inside the gate and look back to find the guard looking at me skeptically. I park outside on the other side of the lawn as the place was crowded with cars and made my way inside.


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