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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 57

The door slams open and my father stood there breathing hard with his eyes all red probably from crying.

It hasn't been that long since I have been awaken.

Without hesitation my father ran and hug me tightly against his chest.

Then I hear him sobs I hug with my hands going up and down his back trying to comfort him.

"I'm fine dad" I whisper to him while trying to soothe him.

I saw a nurse standing at the door with something in her arms, she was rocking him back and forth. I kept on staring at the nurse who now gave me a smile, then I saw small hands reaching up in the air.

One word on my head' 'mom' so I ask my dad "Dad, where is mom?" his body became stiffen for a minute before he pulls away.

He held my hands in his "Addasah, your mom" he tries to say something but his emotions along with his tears stops him.

"Your mother is gone Addasah" he silently remain afterwards.

There was a long pregnant pause with me still in shock and trying hard to process what he just said.


There was only explanation to that as I know my parents so well. My mom would always be the one to be here first despite any situation yet today she wasn't, I almost forgot about that.

I always remember my mom came running to the principal's office whenever she received a call I was hurt or involved in a fight with the girls in my class. I could never forget how she held me when I am crying or gently comfort me in her arms.4

'Mom' I don't know when I'll ever forget the thought that she's gone, it is unacceptable.

In my situation, her and my dad are my life and the purpose I push to become better and do good no matter how many times people try to shit up my life.

Tears drops from my eyes "gone" I began to murmur under my breath "gone."

My dad just sat there not saying anything he is also fighting his own battle. Losing a mate and the love of his life is hard. He is trying his best to be strong for the both of us but I know he isn't.

He tries to reach out for me again but this time I shrug off his hand.

"Mom" I murmur in low whisper then constantly it increases.

I gaze back to the nurse with a baby in her arms, I almost forgot my mom was pregnant and if the nurse is here with him instead of her then that means my brother would never grow up with our mom. He would miss out her love and caring as a mom.

No doubt my dad would fill in her role but she would always a missing puzzle to complete our family.

"Mom" I mutters again and suddenly something snaps within me.

Alera shut off our links as her furs color were now changing into midnight black.

She then began to hit the barrier ferociously between me her human side and her.

Alera wanted to break free from me, she wasn't becoming a part of me. She was trying to take all control and with that I began to see red spots.

Blood was staining my eyes and Alera keeps hitting our barrier with her paws using her full strength. She was hurting me mentally with her pushing and howling for release.


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