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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 58

Matteo's Pov

"She's awake"

Dr. Omalley our pack doctor on duty inform me through our link.

Currently I'm in a meeting with the Alphas who were here tonight. We have held a meeting after defeating the wolves that were turn feral.

Usually when a wolf turns feral there's only one explanation that they have submit to their wolfs dark side and chose to become a beast instead of having their human side.

Them being feral means they won't stop until their targets are killed.

There was only one lead that tonight's attack was initiated by none other than James our sworn enemy. Therefore, we are currently discussing strategies and plan for any other future attacks.

Eric and Dante has offered for their best trackers to find James which I appreciate a lot. Aaron has also given support for rebuilding some of our properties that were destroyed tonight along with other Alphas.

"Apologies but this meeting is adjourned. My apologies Alphas but I need to attend to my" I take a deep breath, it's better to be honest now and I'll talk to Quinn later of my decision.2

"Mate" I finishes

Dante gaze up at me "I hope Addasah is well now" everyone around the table furrow their brows in confusion.

"I know I introduce someone else tonight as my mate" the luna gasps in horror while their mate just kept on looking.

"I'll take whatever punishment and all of your criticism next time for neglecting my soul mate but tonight I just need to be there for her, my mate"4

Again murmuring erupts around the table.

Dante and Eric were the only Alphas who remain seated with their eyes fixed on me along with their luna.

I glance at Aaron for help who clear his throat and stood up. I quickly excuse myself from the meeting and quicken my step towards the pack hospital. I made it there and only stops when I saw one of the room being wreck.1

"What happens here?" a nurse whom I saw earlier when I first carried Addasah here stops then lower her head down and respond nervously.

"Alpha your Mate has woken up two hours ago and had destroyed it. Her father was the one who stops her"

"but doctor Omalley just informed me"

"This would be the second time she's awaken" she cut me off not rudely but she seems to be in a hurry.

"Then where is she?" I ask

"we have moved her to another room after she went back to sleep."

I dismiss her immediately. I guess seeing me again she's nit only gonna destroy the room but also kills me. Yet I don't care as I'm willing to take the risk. I continued to make my way towards her room Omalley told me she was in then stop in front of the door.

I took a deep breath then twist the knop. I open it nervously I step inside closing the door behind me.

Lyndon looks at me with disappointment but then he quickly mask it, sitting there ignoring me while he focus his attention on his daughter.

I breathe in thinking to myself this is it, Thunder has been encouraging me that everything will be fine, that our mate wont even recognised anything. I try to ask him what he meant but he shut me off immediately.

Maybe this is a wrong idea I thought as I try to turn back and go back out of the room.

"Dad" her soft voice made me stops there with the handle in my hand ready to open it.

I turn slowly facing her direction.

She was now fully awake with pillow now supporting her back hoisting her a little bit up against the metal headboard.

I stood there speechless watching her talk to her dad without noticing me. I took step by step near then I stop not far away from her bed breathing in nervously.

If only I could crush her in my arms easily. If only we are in a good situation, if only we're lovers and mates in love.

All these ifs keeps on popping up in my head. I move nearer her and Lyndon again was growling a little in frustration but I didn't care I just want to hold her. I made it right in front of her on the other side.

My hand raising to caressed her cheek. As if she just realised my presence her head snap in my way making my hand stop in mid air.


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