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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 59

Matteo's Pov

I felt myself burning with hatred and at the same time I'm still emotional of what happened to my mate and her family.

It's my fault again, everything is my fault. I destroyed a family tonight if only I could be patience a little more and wait for Addasah things wouldn't have gone this far.2

I don't think she'll ever forgive me.

I had pray for her mother to be alive and now the burden is becoming heavier and heavier with her losing her memories and her mother died.

I have been walking back and forth in the same spot for an hour with alot of things occupying my mind like my mate, James surprised attack on our pack and my father escapes.

Not forgetting Quinn and this whole messed up situation I'm in.2

I went back to my office and find Aaron sitting there talking with Jay and his luna Claire.

"Hey" I walk inside and sat on a couch opposite them

"so how did it go, after I left"

Aaron sigh leaning back against the couch while Claire rub on his shoulder.

"You're lucky Eric and Dante has supported me" he says

"please tell me" I told me.

Aaron began to fill me in with info practically everyone were disappointed of what I did. They have ask for a petition to strip me off of my title as an Alpha.

Yet Aaron has convinced them to give me a second chance which I don't think I deserve at all.1

He has explained my situation and the logic behind my actions which then Alpha Eric and Dante along with Alpha Jesse from the Nightfall Pack support Aaron.

I was more grateful to my cousin for doing that to me even though I was willing to step down. In fact, since my pack is in danger and the life of my mate is on the line here therefore I couldn't do it.

I have to make sure nobody or even myself hurt her again.

"Thanks bro" I hug my cousin when he was to leave for his pack.

When they were gone I lean back closing my eyes "so how is she?" Jay asks.

I clench my fist and simply told him the truth "she lost her memory"

"What the hell! it is so rare for werewolves to lose memories. Isn't humans are the only ones with that problem" he rant on.

"Unfortunately my mate does," I say cutting him off in a frustrating tone

"okay...she remembers some things but not the life where her mate keeps messing up her life"

Yeah so it's funny when she doesn't remember what happens between us or tonight's event.

"So what now?" he asks me again

"I don't know Jay. I just can't act like we were perfect mates before. And I just can't tell her the truth immediately... not right now" I bury my face in the palm of my hands.

"Yeah totally, right now is not the best idea since she has been through a lot. Maybe tomorrow or after one week"


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