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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 61

It was good to be back home instead of staying in the hospital.

I have been discharged two weeks ago and I'm trying to catch up with life itself.

I just can't believe I lost memories of my four years.

Sometimes I kept on wondering what it was like when I was eighteen or even my 21st birthday. Whether I was being kissed before or not within those years because according to my available memories I have never been in any relationship.

So I must have met Matteo or any other guy within those years. There was no sign to show anything of my past or a dream to hint on my past like I've read in some books.

It was nothing like I haven't even lived on this world for 4 years. Like I was someone with no trace, my young memories are there but not my adulthood self.

A baby's wailing pull me out of my thoughts. I look across the room and find my brother waking up in his crib.

He and my dad is all I have now, the absence of my mother was still shocking for me.

Everytime someone or even my dad talk about it I always try and change the subject.

Maybe I am still not accepting the fact that my mother is gone. To be honest I am scared to face my own emotions so instead of talking it out I hid everything inside of me and avoid the death of my mom.

Her funeral will be held tomorrow but still I'm not even in the state to see her.

Oh hell if people think I'm a heartless daughter who never shows up to see her mother at our pack's mortuary but I'm really scared. My father is the only one going there and make arrangements for my mom's funeral along with my mate's help while I just sit here in the house.

Speaking of Mate, Matteo and I never saw each other after the night I embarrassed myself mistaking my brother for our pup.

I never saw him thereafter and it's funny, instead of getting close with him I am also avoiding him. Not only from embarrassment but there were so many surreal emotions going on within me which I didn't and wasn't ready to face them.

My brother is now my first priority and I need to be here for him and my dad who has been putting up a brave face.

Therefore, avoiding Matteo and the topic of my mom's death doesn't mean I have to avoid my brother's presence too.

In the past two weeks I have been taking some private class from Dr. Omalley's Mate on how to care for a baby.

She has shown me how to hold him, feed him, change his diaper, bath him and so much more which I was impressed.

Yet to think of my mom caring for me like this when I was young I push it all back and buried them beneath the core of my being.

Avery's classes did really paid off as I am now a pro in looking after my brother.

"Hello there little one," I pick him and held him to my chest carefully.

"You have gain weight..and Ohhh you're cute baby" I keep on teasing him pinching his chubby cheeks and he respond with a tired yawn.

I smile feeling really happy by just looking at him and I must admit that he's the best gift in our lives now.

He's making me smile whenever I feel alone and at the same time taking my mind off from my mother's death.

"Ahhh so adorable" another voice interrupts I look around there was no one


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