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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 62


He coughs and I pretend not to know turning towards the door and finds him with his hand in his jean pocket.

He walk towards me and Alera suddenly growl a little at his presence.

The more he came closer the more Alera hiss through our link at him not until our hands brush together and he caress my brother's cheek with admiration.

Alera relax a little bit due to the contact we had and I was lost at how she's acting like this to him wondering again if anything bad happens with us before losing my memory.4

"Why are you here?" I ask him.

"Your dad send me over to see if you guys have eaten" I look at him dumbfounded


"are you sure you're the Alpha and not my dad's errands boy"1

"ouch" he fake hurt.

I laugh a little "seriously, it sounded like that way to me" he let out his arms.

"Come on, he's my father in law" I giggle in hearing that "don't be too sure of yourself Alpha" I slap him on the arm playful.

I don't know where all this confidence came from because what I remember no wolf boy or any mundane was this close to me besides it's like I haven't been avoiding him.

He took Wesley from my arms "I'll watch over him you go change"

"where are we going?"

"out to eat"

I groan thinking that I definitely need to get out of this house I mean two weeks seems forever to be here.

I walk away from him pulling my clothes from the closet to change into the bathroom after showering.

Once I'm done with shower and drying up myself I put on the essential cloth that ladies must not forget to wear.

Then I changed into a skinny jean and a crop top before putting on my denim jacket over it. I chose a pair of white converse to go with my outfit then pulls up my black hair in a messy bun.

I take a look in the room and went back outside finding Matteo already gone from my room.

I skip down the living room and find it empty, even in the kitchen. My brother's milk bottle that I left in the refrigerator was also gone.

"Peep" his car horn pulls me out of there and the house.

Once in the car I saw my baby brother at the back in his baby booster seat already being changed and in fresh clothes.

"I didn't know you were this well prepared" he saw my eyes fixed on my brother in his seat.5

"What can I say, an Alpha's gotta prepare for his football team" he winks at me and I roll my eyes at him.

We made it to a restaurant and order our food with baby Wesley beside me.

We were talking on random topics when someone tap her heel beside me. I turn to find a female with her arms crossed on her chest. She seems familiar but I couldn't remember when I have seen her.

Matteo look at her unpleasantly got me wondering if I'm missing something here.

"I'm sorry do I know you?"

she scowl "I'm Quinn"


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