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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 85

"So what happened? And did you get hurt?" I ask once we both lay down there on his bed.

Wes was in his crib that we managed to move in Matteo's room for the time being. He sigh closing our distance and holding me to his chest then he began to explain to me what happened after our date.

So basically the reason he left me earlier at my grandma's house was because there was another attack and my dad was targeted again.

This time it was a massive attack on our northern border that other packs best warriors were present. Unfortunately my dad exposed himself during the fight showing everyone his side as a hybrid.

I sat up in alarm pushing his arms away from me and started to pace from one side of the room to the other. I began to panic that there was an attack tonight and he didn't tell me about it.

I am seriously feeling a bit disappointed at him for leaving me there at my grandma's place. I should have been fighting along them tonight but not being kept away from it.

My brother's and dad's life was in danger and he never told me before he left my grandma's house.

"Why didn't you tell me? Do you realise what you did? My brother and dad's life was in danger and you didn't let me know about it" I was pretty angry right and pissed now instead of feeling disappointed.

Matteo got up and rub his face with his hands "I'm sorry okay but it was for your own safety," he let out a heavy sigh and clearly he is frustrated with my outburst but I don't care.

"So I'm only your priority! What about Wes? What if something happens to him?" I keep on questioning him.

"Addasah, your father and I had it all under control. We already made a plan that if we are going to fail at the border tonight we will send him to your grandma immediately"

"What? Under Control?" I said stretching out every word to him

"I saw my dad in a fuck up state and you're saying under control? And Wes wasn't even sent to us"

Matteo get out of the bed and reaches for me. I try to fight against him but his hold on me is tight. "Please love, don't be mad" I scoff at that "please, can you have a little bit of faith in me and your dad" he whisper lowering his head in the nape of my neck.

"I'm sorry" he kisses my neck "please I will make sure to inform you next time" he pleaded. I push him off and went to sat back on the bed.

"Matteo, you know my brother and dad are my whole world. Everything with regards to their safety and life concerns me too. I can't lose them, I'm afraid for that to happen so please next time don't leave me out."

"I know and I am really sorry" he got down on his knees before me taking my hands into his. I look him in the eyes "I love you and it's not about just them. You too matters to me" I say in a tired tone.

He hugs me and I buried my head in his chest without a fight. We stayed like that before he lay me back on the bed.

Alera of course is having other thoughts in her head that she keeps on giving me unwanted thoughts. Yet I can never do that at least not tonight as our night is too innocent for that.

Matteo lay beside me cuddling me from behind "can you tell me about that sick old fuck in the meeting room. Mcfreak or something.. What was his problem?" I ask him and he told me all about it without leaving any details out.

So when McCoy get caught of the wind tonight that my dad is a pure blood hybrid. McCoy urgently set up a meeting for the council and all Alphas to make a decision on my dad being a hybrid.

Matt says that McCoy has highlighted that my dad is a threat to the werewolves. The bastard was trying to convince everyone to execute my dad but surprisingly others didn't agree with it. So there has been disagreement among the Alphas on what to do.3

Matteo on the other hand was as my mate and Alpha strongly refuse to give up my dad to the council to be executed.

The disagreement was heated and he was losing control of his wolf. Oh yeah that is when I bulge my way in there and slaps him on the cheek.

I blush thinking of what really happens after that

"now where did my feisty and fierce luna go?" he teases me and I push him lightly back before turning to face him.

He laugh out loud and I glare at him, "Fuck that was hot when you put him in his place, not forgetting that little stunt of yours.. You know" he winks at me then kisses me on the lips.5


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