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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 86

Matteo's pov

I look at myself in the mirror over a million times "I don't deserve her" I mutter adjusting my tie.6

I'm pretty nervous for tonight, it may not be our mating ceremony but I'm scared too. What if everything goes wrong.

"You're damn right about that ass hole" I turn to find Jay smirking at me

"you don't match up with her, shrek."

He teases me and I narrow my eyes as he walk inside the room closing the door behind him.

"Who the fuck is that?" I spat and he retort "the ogre in a cartoon for kids" I frown still not knowing it.

"Dude, it's a movie by the humans" shaking my head because of his childish joke Jay snorted and stops before me. "Chill out Matt, everything is set now" he says then pat me on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about tonight and just introduce your woman, you lucky bastard. I swear if you're thinking of bailing on this then it's your loss bro" he joke and I glare at him in return.

I sigh heavily "what's wrong?" he ask with concern to me. "I'm scared" I told him honestly "I know I should be happy but why do I feel sad and scared on this day?" I started to pace around.

Jay held me in place by holding my shoulders together "everything is going to be fine trust me Matt" he said with determination.

"You think?" I ask unsure and he nod his head to confirm. I sigh straightening my shirt before walking out of the room and down the stairs.

My pack members greeted me down the foyer then we move inside the dining hall. Everyone has made their presence tonight making me more nervous of introducing her tonight.

"Hello Alpha," one of an elder in our pack came up to me. "I hope you don't mind me asking; what's the occasion tonight?" I smile gawking my head to look at the door and see if Addasah has arrived.

"Well, Mr. Orlando, I believe that would ruin the surprise tonight," I smile at him.

"Matt" her voice send shivers to my whole body and abruptly I turn around and the sight of her blew me away. I didn't care of anyone else but I just went up to her and kiss her on the lips. I am not claiming anything just me being a boy in love.

Mr. Orlando gave us a smile and he strutted towards us knowingly "well, this is amazing. It's nice to have you tonight luna" he extended his hand and Addasah took it politely.

"Finally you got some balls now Alpha" he joke making Addasah laugh in return.

I squeeze her waist lightly and she looks at me biting her lip. 'Okay please don't tempt us' Thunder groan through our links.

After sometime when everyone is seated I stood up from the head of the table to make a toast and to announce her as my official luna.

"I made some mistakes in the past which you all know and are aware of. There was only one that was never a mistake and the moon goddess happens to made her my other half. I know I told you on the night after the attack but I would love to reintroduced her again," I gesture for Addasah to come and standby me.


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