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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 89

Matteo's Pov

I walk back out of the house and without turning to my warriors who are mourning the loss of their top warrior I went straight for the pack's gym.

It has been an hour now since we got back from chasing after Lyndon. The enemies are gone now. My father too was gone.

I didn't feel any remorse yet despite that he is still my father and somehow I kind of feel a little bit pity for him.

The cause of him becoming like that was my mother maybe not entirely but her not loving him made him the man who he is now.

Yet the damage he has inflicted on my life has already been done and can never be undone. My Mate and I will forever be in this cat and mouse game while I'll always hid and she chase after those missing memories that withheld the truth.2

Maybe she won't now but I know one day she will and I have to be honest with her before that day. I guess I'll always be imprison by my guilt, sadness and regrets.

Honestly I don't know what to tell her either, that her fucking mate couldn't retrieve her dad's body as the mountain that we were on was actually a volcanic one.

Lyndon's body could not be retrieve from the lava as it already into ashes. Obviously I'm the one with secrets now and the burden is getting heavier in me.

I punch the punching bag when I reach it. Then I hit again as once wasn't enough to get everything out of my head and system just for a little.

I am trying to cope from everything that has happened earlier. Actually I was hoping to tell her about everything and again it didn't go my way.

I don't even know anymore if we were meant to be as everytime I was this close in telling her and again I am being thrown back to 100k miles away from her.

Why does this always have to happen.

I heavily sigh with sweats dripping down from my body after another hour of working out. I rested for awhile there before going back to the house and have a shower then I head for the office.

I wanted to check on Addasah but I just couldn't face her now, not after everything that has happened. I failed her again as a Mate in protecting our family even though victory was on our side.

Addasah is in her room, along with Wes beside her. She has black out due to the loss of her father. I wish there was something I could do yet I couldn't.

I sat there in my office sometimes afterwards burying myself into work. There is a knock on the door "come in" I don't look up at the person rather I focus on the work in front of me.

"Alpha, Dr. Omalley has already taken test on each prisoners and all are free to go back to their families. So we have already contacted the prisoners families from different pack' Jay bit on his lower lip as if he's nervous.

"Unfortunately there's only one prisoner around three or five years of age that was likely to be in the second phase of the experiment and we couldn't find anyone related to her" Jay further explained and I could tell that he is frustrated.

I don't blame or be mad at him either, as I know everyone is exhausted after the attack.

"We only have her name and last name but we don't know who she is. Our trackers has tried their best but it seems like her data were wipe off completely," he concluded with a sigh.

He handed me the file and I flip it open only to find it blank and just her baby photo and name nothing else inside it.

"Did you have a search on all packs," I ask "that we did too and, we even call them but none seems to have heard of such name."

I keep on tapping on her name in the file "Holly Davis" I repeatedly said it to myself. Suddenly I remembered an incident that happened 3 years ago before the defeat of the rogue King by Alpha Hernandez. I don't know if my instincts are true but I know I have to try and I will contact them immediately.2

"I'll handle this from here, and just ask elder Rue to help the pup and put her in a spare room. After that then you can rest. Now you may dismissed as well Jay," I gave him a warm smile.

Once he left I slump back on my chair rubbing my face with my hands before picking up the phone and call Dante.

"Luna Daniella speaking," she answered and just the right person I was hoping to find.

"Hello, Daniella it's me Alpha Matteo" I hear shuffling then her rambling in low tone.

She told that she is going to get Dante but I told her it's her that it's her I needed to talk to in which she let out an oh in response. I know she has a niece that they have been looking for even after the attack they still look for her.


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