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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 88

As expected we managed to draw their attention from our Pack to us and the chase began. There were more of them than we expected.

Matt held onto my hand tightly. Side by side we fought against them all until we were able to defeat the majority of their numbers while others now run towards their hideouts direction.

We began to chase again towards the mountain where other feral wolves disappeared to. Turning back we were pretty much far from our pack. Matteo and his wolf were leading in the front of us now but he always make sure that I was in sight.

I push my legs harder to try and get there soon. We were suddenly ambush from the other side by other feral wolves, who growls in our direction. Their eyes burning with hate without any hint of humanity shown in them.

Matteo quickly push me behind him holding me tight on the waste as Jay and Evan are already in their defense stance hiding me from the ferals view. We are most likely surrounded by them right now.

The red eyes wolves moves in for a kill and I felt Matteo's hand around me tighten before releasing me and attack the wolf who jump at us.

I turn back throwing another one with a silver knife which caught him right in the middle of his forehead. I ran to him and took out the knife again to kill him off before turning to the others slashing at their throat using the same knife.

Alera growl wanting to take over but I just can't as we don't have spare clothes to change into if we ever shifted completely into our wolf form.

Once I kill another wolf Matt yell at me to go find him with Jay while he, Evan and other 15 warriors will hold back the remaining feral wolves.

I was hesitate for a moment as I didn't want to lose him either but Matt shouted at me that he'll be alive. I dodge other attacks and get to where he was.

Jay and the others fought the ferals while sealing us from any harm.

"Promise, you'll not die in me" I whisper against his lips "I promise" he replied before he push me back towards Jay.

"Go" he shouted

I gave him one last look before I quickly moves with Jay and the others again to catch up on my father, with our best tracker now leading the way.

All I hope for while running was for Matt to be alive after this because I am seriously going to mate him and I'll make sure to never fail in seducing him.2

I also pray for my dad to be okay when I arrive there. I just keep on hoping he is still alive. Losing one parent is enough pain to go through.

Another thirty minutes past and we finally arrived at our destination. It surprises me as I try to catch my breath that we are actually on top of a mountain.

The place was clear than we expected of. It was nothing like those built up military base or an hideout or some kind of prison for experimental centre for feral wolves.

Nothing was on here except trees and a clearing side with nothing built on the land.

"Luna, its an underground base" the tracker inform me on it. "The entrance is this way" he pointed to the other side on the ground.

He was to lead me to the main entrance when my eyes met with two wolves in their half shifted form are fighting.

They were not very far from us but from where they fighting there seems to be the edge of a cliff.

"Dad" I froze in my step and Jay look on to where my eyes not focus. I almost cry when I know he is still alive

"this can't be" Jay curses and we turn to a lifeless body lying on the ground, none other than McCoy.

What a fucking traitor no wonder why he insisted on punishing my dad. I dart my gaze again back to my dad, who is still fighting against Matteo's dad.

"Jay, leads the other to the underground, see if they have any prisoners and let them out. I'll help my dad out," Jay looks at me with disapproval but I ignore him. He shook his head while following the others.

I was to move to help my dad when James jumps in my way unexpectedly. He sneer at me and extract out his claws and without exchanging words he jumps in the air to attack me.

I was ready to counter attack when another huge wolf jumped in the middle and slashed at James wolf. He growls at James standing in between us and is more than ready to attack.

"Matt" I try to reach out "it's Thunder next time, Now Go" he growled urging me to go help my dad. I kiss on Thunder's back before running to help my dad.

I almost reach them when another wolf attack me from the left side out of the blue. This opponent wasn't easy to kill off immediately which made Alera and I growl in madness and this time we most likely going feral that before the motherfuc*ker attack again we snap his head off.


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