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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 96

Jay's Pov

"Matteo you have to tell her the whole truth," I watch him take another shot of whisky in his hand while ignoring me.

I was in the office sorting out our finances paper work when he storm in the office.

His eyes were red and he scream in the office then smashes photos and lamps in the office.

I knew his wolf was surfacing by his actions and once he calms down he told me what happened earlier with him and Addasah.

At the same time he's guilty of everything. He knows he shouldn't have been shouting at her and question her love for him. It's not like their love is true after all everything is a lie.2

He is lying to her except the fact that he loves her.

Yet what's even worst was the surprising arrival of his son and Quinn which has made him ignore her.

He told me that he is too ashamed to face her now and that is why he's keeping his distance from her for the mean time until he figured everything out.

I said Quinn came on the wrong timing, and she should have inform him that she's bringing Jona and her mate here. In that way maybe Matteo will then be more prepared for it.

I could see that she want Matteo to take ownership but I would say now is not the right time. I know he is torn between his son and his Mate.

We have been sharing our problems recently with each other especially his guilt over Addasah, then the return of Quinn and his son.

He look so vulnerable and insecure rambling on that Addasah will leave him once the truth is discovered.

So here I am trying to tell my best friend to tell her the truth.

"Matteo" I try again

"I can't" he mutters pouring another one in his cup.

I snatch it away from his hand before he drinks again and I chuck down the liquid to my throat.

"You can't keep her in the dark forever Matteo. What do you think she'll do when she finds out?" I try to make my friend see the possibility of the consequences of his actions if the truth is not being revealed to her.

"I can't" he says holding back his tears and his head hung low.

"She deserves the truth and to free yourself from all this guilt you have to tell her. Yes she'll be mad but maybe she'll understand you, I know she loves you" I try to reason with him again.

"Matt, do you think she'll still be here, with you, with our pack if she finds out before you do," realising what I just said I curse under my breath.

The glass shatter against the wall "that's why I can't," he shouted at me luckily his office is soundproof and I know no one bothers to listen in to our conversation. Plus we are the only one in this house

"I can't lose her, not now or forever. I just love her so much that I'm always guilty whenever she's with me and I selfishly want her all for myself."

He broke down into tears "I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm fucking in love with her that it hurts so much. If she left me I don't think I'll ever survive again."

I can see all the regret and pain written all over his face.

My best friend has never been like this maybe he was in love before but hurt and pain were emotions that I have never seen in him or he has shown to me or towards anyone.

Only Addasah is doing this to him and I don't blame her as it wasn't even her fault as if she remember what really happens.

Tell Her 1

Tell Her 2


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