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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 97

Matteo's Pov

She stood there at the door nodding at Jay then he quickly move out of the door locking it.

Once we heard a click sound both of our legs move and she jump in my arms hugging me tightly then broke in to tears.

"I'm sorry" she sobs "I'm sorry for being selfish you were right and I'm sorry for not thinking of you too" I pull back my head with tears in my eyes facing her.

"I love you and I'm sorry baby I am so sorry. I have no right to shout at you and I'm so sorry for avoiding you..im sorry. ..I just can't lose you, not now, tomorrow or ever. I am sorry for being harsh with my words and I am really sorry for everything. I fucking mess up again"

I wipe off her tears before my lips finds her and we both mould into passion.

I seated her on my desk while my hands move under the hem of her dress trying to pull it off. At the same time she struggled with my shirt buttons.

She gave up in being gentle and tear it off from my body. I smirks before doing the same with her dress making her moan out loud.

"I love it when you're being feisty amore," I mutter while nibbling her neck leaving my marks to her neck down to her breast.

"And I love it when you're inside me Matt" I groan dropping on my knees before her.

I spread her legs apart and found myself devouring her with my mouth before I take her on my desk.

She kept on withering and moan under my touch, calling out my name countless times as I drove myself into her with insane, making love to her beautiful body.

She lies on top of me on the office couch with my hands trailing and caressing her back softly after our love making session.

"Do you think I'm going to get pregnant soon?" my fingers stops once I heard her question.

"We didn't use any protection Matt" she said and I tried to hide my emotions.

I should be more excited as she's going to carry my pup but now is not the right time.

I didn't want our child to be born from my lies to her. Therefore I wanted to come clean to her before trying again with her and that if she ever forgive me.

My thoughts went back to Jona my son whom she thought it's Quinn's mate pup and I wanted to throw up at that thought.

Truthfully, I love my son as it wasn't his fault that he happened to be born but I resent myself for it.

Still hoping and wish that Jona was mine and Addasah's first born child.

I tried to clear my throat as the room was silence maybe now is a good time.

This could be our only time, I thought as I caress her bare back. I think Jay is right I have to tell her and now is that time.

I have to he honest with her now I clear my throat whispering to her "amore," I started.

My hot breath fanning her forehead. Addasah look up at me "my love"

The way she says my love sends a bang to my heart. She's only saying this because she doesn't know what lies she's living in. At the moment I almost cry when I thought of it

"Amore" I try again.

"Love" she carress my cheek as I close my eyes trying to suppress my tears.

"I am a monster to you. I did something really bad to you before you lose your memories" I couldn't hold it back and I broke into tears.

She sat right up and I buried my face in my hands regardless of our nakedness she moves towards me.

Her hand reaches for me, letting me to face her. She looks at me with concerns and I just couldn't take it anymore and it broke my heart even more.

Reconciliation 1


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