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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 99

Matt has gather everyone today, including Gia, who came back a day after I discover the truth.

Quinn, Lorents and Jay are also here.

He said a day ago he has something to tell me today. So here I am watching the people whom I thought were my rock and sanity making jokes around me.

I look at Matt who seems to be nervous of something but I just ignore it and whispered in a low voice asking them if it was fun seeing me like this.

None of them answers my question. It was all been ignore and they keep on smiling to one another.

My eyes now burn with tears as deep down inside of me I'm breaking limp by limp.

No one has ever told me the truth and I know it's been three days after but still I couldn't handle the hurt and pain I'm living through.

It was so stupid of me to think that after that night I could walk away but I couldn't so I stay and waited for anyone to tell me especially Matteo.

I have been giving him hint question yet he always brush it aside and today I ask them awhile and again they seems to ignore the question.

Closing my eyes I held my fist tighten 'I am sick of pretending' I whisper then I reopen them again.

"How can you all do it?" they were still laughing at Jay jokes. I raise my voice and try again "how do you all do it?"

Finally all their attention were on me now. Matteo seeing me in an emotional state tries to move but I raised my right hand to stop him.

"Is it fun watching me?" they seems to be confused my tears now burn within my eyes and slowly they drop down to my cheeks. "Was it fun watching me acting like a lost puppy?" I try not to take a breath at the same time.2

"It must have been fun, since you're all laughing right?" I try to wipe off my tears.1

"When we're you going to tell me Gia!? I thought we're best friends. What about you huh Matt? that you never loved me, that you always belong with her. You being with me was because you could use me" he didn't move or say anything none of them did.4

I guess I have taken them by surprise now. They just kept on standing there in shock watching me drowning in my own misery. No one dare to comfort or even reach out.

My expression slightly changes and deep down inside I was hurting, angry, upset, disappointed and worst I felt betray not only by him but everyone that I thought were my friends.4

"When were you'll all going to tell me?" again no one, not even one single soul answer "when? huh" I ended up shouting at them

"was it before my memories recover or you were never gonna let me know" I kept sobbing and I rub my arms around myself.

"You all shouldn't pretend to care or fake your love for me," looking at him "you out of all people shouldn't do it"

"That's not true please believe" he tries to reach our for me but I took a step backwards.

"Believe?" I laugh slightly "now everything makes sense now, thank you and no thank you for your fake love"

"that's not true I truly love you. It wasn't fake, please Addy believe me" he raises his voice more like shouting at me.

"What Matteo? When did you ever truly not lie or even sincerely love me. Because if you did I wouldn't be asking you right now for the truth and because if you did you wouldn't taken all of me and piece by piece you broke me" that cause him to shut up.

He clenched his fist with frustration "you don't know how much I love you" he says in a low voice but I did hear him.

"You love me?" I cry out loud and repeatedly say those words which made me sick "so now you love me."

"Yes I am fucking crazy in love with you" he shouted pleading to me with tears burst from his eyes.

Fake Love 1


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