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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 98

Please Read My Note After this??

I smile through our training and I'm happy that we're back to okay. Him taking me in his office was hot.

Afterwards, I was to head up to our room when I felt something missing. Yes I might have drop my bracelet. So I went into his office to look for it.

I look everywhere on the couch then remembering that we did the deeds on his desk before we move to couch I went and look under the files.

I couldn't find it and I was to walk when I saw a letter on the floor. I pick it up to put on his desk.

In fact, I stopped when it accidentally open and I saw my dad's signature.

I was to put it there but I was too curious to know what my dad wrote in this letter.

So I took it out again and sat on his chair to read it.

I stagger back after reading the letter "this can't be it," I mutter to myself and then I turn it over and read it once more.

"This couldn't be it, why did my father have to do that?" my tears escape my eyes and put the letter back neatly on his desktop.

My dad in his letter has apologize for not being able to be here to help him tell me the truth.

The truth which I wish I knew but no I don't at the moment. Yet what's even more shocking was him saying to extend his apologies to me for compelling me to forget about everything.

Wow! now I know I didn't lose my memories on purpose.


I exclaimed in disbelief and Alera just remain silent without saying anything.

Not to be suspicious I link Matteo that I am going out to the mall. Instead of there I made my way to my grandma's house.

I made it there within 10 minutes and once she saw me with Wesley in her arms she jump with happiness.

She put Wesley on the living room floor to play with his toys and came up to hug me tightly.

"Grandma, we need to talk and this time I want to know the truth," she frown at me before realization hit her and her eyes widen.

"Addasah" she moves and I nod my head no to her refusing to cry and be comfort by her until I know the truth completely.

My grandma ignores it and hug me then guided me on the couch. I look at Wes for a moment before looking back to my grandma who nervously squeeze my hand.

We sat there for almost an hour and afterward I instantly stood up from the couch.

"I need time grandma" I told her and about to bust out of the house when her words stopped me.

"I'll call Alpha Matteo"

I swirl around "please don't" she turns to me and I run to hug her.

"I need time nana and I want him to tell me not you to tell him that I know" I pull back and rush out of the door.

I didn't bother to use my car to go back as my legs started to run out of there. I did not even bother to stop or think for a second to any dangerous as my mind was replaying my grandma's words over and over again.

Yet the more my legs speed up the more I see flashback of my past.

All the hateful things he did to me. I remember them all now and the way he used me disgust me the most and it has broke me deeply.

Remembering his empty promises when he announced Quinn as his Luna at the night of the ball. I started to tear up.

I was horrified when the memories of my mother's wolf push me out of the way saving me from a feral wolf.

It's my fault that she died that night.

Instead of going straight to the pack house I run towards the Pack's cemetery where my parents are buried.

The thunders rumbles with light rain blew by the wind until it is heavily pour down but I didn't care as I run there on my barefoot.

I scream when I made there in front of them. Kneeling down before their headstone and I cry out why to them.

Begging them why did they have to do it. Why my mom never told me anything about my family before and why my father would do that to me.

I Want To Hate 1

I Want To Hate 2


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