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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Life in a Rich Family

But Jason didn't remember that he had taken such a photo before.

Shirley noticed that he was gazing at the photo on the wall in a great astonishment.

And she was worried and asked, "Matthew, my boy! What's wrong?"

Jason had a look at Shirley.

He swallowed and pointed to the photo and asked, "The photo…"

His voice was the same as Matthew's.

Shirley signed in relief when she saw that Jason finally said something.

Then she smiled kindly, "Sweetie, do you want to play golf? How about ask your uncle to take you to the golf court?

Jason opened his eyes wide and he was so excited when he heard something that he could play with.

Just like a cat saw some fish.

A dog saw some bones.

Then he finally smiled. Since he got here last night, this was his first smile here.

His bow mouth turned upward in a grin showing his white even teeth.

His beautiful eyes crinkled around the edges and the smile was so charming.

But Shirley was surprised when he saw he was smiling at her because he had never smiled at her like that.

This was the first time!

Shirley once thought that he was a boy didn't know how to smile but now he was giving him such a bright smile. She was so delighted.

She gave a hug to Jason and held him in to his arms tightly.

Shirley furrowed and said, "Matthew, don't scare grandma. I know you suffered a lot yesterday. But, don't worried, Bella is still alive! Grandma promised you that no one could hurt it as long as I am still alive."

Matthew was her treasure.

He was educated in a noble school since he was a kid, so he looked as cool and composed as his father. And he even didn't act like a child.

But how could he have such a cute and innocent smiel?

Was he still terrified?

Jason was held by Shirley tightly in arms.

And he thought this grandma was holding him too tight.

He was a bit shy and embarrassed being hugged by Shirley since he was always the one to fall in grandma and mom's arms.

But he was moved.

At the moment that Jason was hugged too tight to breathe, there was a dog barking sadly outside the door.

Terry was standing at the door with Bella.

He had a look at Shirley and Jason then he asked nervously,

"Good morning Madam, good morning Matthew."

Then Shirley let go of her arms and Jason took a big breath of oxygen.

Bella was barking and he was so a bit angry standing at the door.

Actually, Bella didn't often bark at anyone but he was barking angrily at Jason.

Bella looked so livid which had scared Jason a lot then he fell into Shirley's arms again.

"Grandma, I am scared…"


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